Pastor's Blog

Suggested Readings To Read Through The Bible In A Year

Tuesday   February 9, 2010   Acts 4-6 and Proverbs 7

Acts 4:31

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Now that is an effective prayer! Such a response from heaven that the place they are in begins to tremble! I think that would be a prayer meeting you remembered . . . so, I am compelled to ask myself, “what is there about this prayer that brings such a response from God?”

Going back to the beginning of the prayer in verse 24 and reading through verse 30, what are the magic words . . . what is the secret formula that brings the power of God? What is the secret to their success?

The only thing that I see that strikes me about this prayer is the balance of content. Verse 24 begins with words of praise directed to God . . . verse 25 continues to give praise to the Lord by quoting from the scriptures through verses 26. Verses 27 and 28 affirm that the Word of God has come to pass in the events that took place in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified . . . and then finally in verse 29 they begin to petition the Lord for more power to be manifested in the name of Jesus. Seventy percent of the prayer was all about praise to God. The prayer began with a focus on the greatness of God – on the veracity and faithfulness of God’s Word. They were praying after the model that Jesus had left them when they had asked him to teach them to pray. Jesus said when you pray begin with praise and worship to your Father in heaven. Instead of being in a hurry to get to your list of needs and wants, begin with praise to God for who he is and for what he has done. Make sure your eyes are on Him. In Acts 16 we read of another time that a place was shaken in response to Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns to God . . . there was a manifestation of the presence and the power of God in direct response to sincere praise and worship.

It would appear that proper praise is a key to release of the power of God. . . .

Oswald Chambers said, “We have to pray with our eyes on God and not the difficulties.”

Suggested Readings To Read Through The Bible In A Year

Tuesday       February 9, 2010     Acts 4-6 and Proverbs 7

Wednesday  February 10, 2010   Acts 7-9 and Proverbs 8

Thursday      February 11, 2010   Acts 10-12 and Proverbs 9

Friday           February 12, 2010   Acts 13-15 and Proverbs 10:1-16

Saturday       February 13, 2010   Acts 16-18 and Proverbs 10:17-32

Sunday         February 14, 2010   Acts 19-21 and Proverbs 11:1-15

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